乌克兰基辅国家歌剧院,一伙蒙面歹徒突然闯入演出大厅,挟持在场数百名音乐家和观众。未过多久,乌克兰特警部队迅速赶到,并按照既定战术突入进去。与此同时,几名神秘之人换上特警部队肩章,趁乱潜入歌剧院,救出被困的美国大使。神秘人之一的男主“无名”(约翰·大卫·华盛顿 John David Washington 饰)虽然一度顺利完成任务,却身不由己置身死地。当他再度醒来,则被告知失去原有身份,此后将加入一个名为“信条”的秘密组织,去执行一项阻止世界毁灭的重大任务。早在歌剧院时,他便见识了一次逆转子弹的奇怪现象。而如
When an image-conscious wild child takes a strange new drug at a party, she undergoes a shocking transformation. Desperate to reverse the effects of the drug, she is horrified to discover that she has become the key to saving the human race.
“Douglas Is Cancelled” will see Hugh Bonneville play a middle aged and widely-respected news anchor called Douglas Bellowes while Gillan stars as his canny sidekick Madeline.Douglas lives a perfect life. He enjoys his privileged status as national treasur